C/ d'Arago, 179, L'eixample, 08011 Barcelona, Spain Visit web page

Digital business and innovation

Study detals

: Postgraduate : : Full time : 12 Month


European three-year initial degree or a recognised equivalent at EQF/MQF Level 6 (180 ECTS minimum);
A foreign undergraduate degree from outside the EHEA equivalent to EQF/MQF Level 6 and 180 ECTS minimum;
Alternative Entry Routes
Alternative entry routes are available for applicants who do not possess the standard entry qualifications but have certain appropriate skills and experience and subject knowledge. These are detailed in the IQA Manual of GBSB Global within the “Policies for Admission of Transfer Students and Recognition of Prior Learning”.
The Admissions Committee may consider applications from suitably qualified students currently attending other universities, applicants who have achieved a lower level award, or applicants seeking admission based on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

Proof of Proficiency in the English Language:

English as a native language;
TOEFL - Minimum score: 213 (computer based), 79/93 (internet based), or 550 (paper based);
IELTS - Minimum score: 6.5;
Cambridge ESOL, Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) - Minimum score: C1;
English as the language of instruction during previous studies in the formal educational system;
Internal English level testing at GBSB Global.

Additional information

Application Fee - 100 EUR
Annual Administrative Fee - 950 EUR
Higher Education Program: Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Business and Innovation
Accreditation Status: An officially recognized and state-accredited qualification awarded by GBSB Global Business School, licensed as Higher Education Institution by MFHEA (License number: 2020-012)
MQF/EQF Level: MFHEA deems this qualification to be at Level 7 of the Malta Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning
Number of ECTS Credits: A minimum of 62 ECTS
Master of Science (MSc) in Management (Digital Business and Innovation) (90 ECTS, EQF/MQF Level 7), an officially recognized and state-accredited qualification awarded by GBSB Global Business School in Malta, licensed as Higher Education Institution by MFHEA (License number: 2020-012)