SRH Universities
SRH Universities

SRH Universities

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 10, 10587 Berlin, Germany Berlin, Germany Visit web page

Sustainale Battery Production Engineering

Study detals

: Postgraduate : Master in Sustainale Battery Production Engineering : Full time : 18-24 Month


*Bachelor´s degree (3 years – 180 ECTS)
*GPA: min. 60% out of 100%
English or German Language:
*ENG: Academic IELTS 6.5/TOEFL IBT 87
points/ PTE 59 points/ Duolingo 110
English language test exemption
possible if previous education entirely
in English & proven good level.
*GER: DAS Level 2
Test-DAF Level 4
Goethe Zertificat C1 or C2
TELC C1 or C2
B2 possible for creative programmes
*Work experience required for M.A. Hospitality Management & Leadership (if
no Hospitality Background) & Int. Business & Leadership (if no Business or
Finance Background)
Computer Sciences: work experience in relevant field if no IT background
Portfolio or two or three design projects for the creative programmes


Additional information

Energy storage, electric cars and ethics. Gain a thorough understanding of battery production! Our dual engineering Master's combines production engineering, battery technology as well as sustainability management and strengthens your soft skills.
The storage of sustainably generated energy is becoming more and more important. Batteries are not only relevant for the use in electric vehicles but also for stationary applications. In order to push the energy revolution forward, a new generation of experts is needed who understand the technological and business aspects of battery production and are able to put these topics into the overall industrial and social context.
Our M.Eng. Sustainable Battery Production Engineering provides you with both technical expertise in battery technology and production engineering as well as knowledge of management basics.
In the Master's programme, you learn more about the technological principles of battery systems and battery production techniques and current technologies such as automation, robotics and mechatronics. You gain an understanding of measurement technology, quality assurance, data analysis and recycling technologies and study and work hands-on thanks to the integrated lab and team work activities.

Location: Berlin