Campus Bio Medico University of Rome
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma promotes integrated teaching and research structures, pursuing the good of the person as the main aim of its activities. It offers the student an educational experience aimed at his cultural, professional and human growth, confering the acquisition of skills in a spirit of service. It promotes knowledge and the interdisciplinarity of sciences and research in all areas that contribute to the good of the whole person. The student's care of the patient's unity of physical and spiritual needs according to a conception of life open to transcendence.
The University is run by one Statute, in accordance with the aims and inspiring principles expressed in the institution's Charter of Purposes and Code of Ethics. On 23 July 2015, the Executive Committee also approved the University Teaching Regulations - General sectionand on 5 November of the same year the University General Regulations, (updated on 20 April 2018 following the update of the Articles of Association).