WSB Merito Universities
WSB Merito Universities

WSB Merito Universities

Łabiszyńska 25, 03-204 Warszawa Warsaw, Poland Visit web page

Our degree programs are addressed, in the first place, to those who want to work and study. Even in full-time programs classes are scheduled on just 3-4 days in a week, and we produce tight schedules keeping gaps at a minimum. Most of our international students, too, easily combine their WSB Merito degree programs with jobs.

Your learning can be immediately applied in the workplace. We watch job market developments and design our programs in partnership with knowledgeable industry experts. We rely on their insights into what prerequisites will enable our graduates to apply for their dream jobs. We do a lot of teaching through workshops, and we make heavy use of case studies that face students with real problems encountered by businesses. This makes sure they develop skills and earn qualifications that their prospective employers seek.

  • find it easy to combine work with study, because our curriculum is tailored to the requirements of those in employment
  • be taught by accomplished academics and successful entrepreneurs/professionals
  • develop relevant skills and learn about the latest theoretical concepts because our study programs are regularly consulted with industry leaders to make sure they closely meet employers’ requirements
  • study in state-of-the-art classrooms and in dedicated labs with specialized software products
  • be able to stay in touch with us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via Extranet
  • have permanent access to online learning resources through the Moodle platform
  • improve your language skills studying both in class and online via a virtual learning environment
  • enjoy the services of our friendly staff who will help you quickly deal with any paperwork that university experience involves
  • acquire valuable work experience through internships, practical placements and training seminars organized by our Careers Offices